Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Well....there you have it!

Although I was knitting as fast as I could I soon realized that my wrists were not going to make the 'knitting mitten deadline' for Chicago travels. keep my family's hands warm I was off to Goodwill and the Salvation Army.  I turned these fine sweaters .....

into these fine.....
Mittens for Taylor

Mittens for Carly

 Mittens for Barb

 Mittens for Chauntel

Mittens for Corinne

and, Mittens for Brent

I love working with wool, especially wool from felted sweaters, and the felted fabric from the cashmere and angora sweaters were simply fabulous to work with.  Now everyone's heads, hands and hearts will be warm in Chicago celebrating Corinne's 21st Birthday! 

I'm happy !!


Katrina said...

OMG those are just all so cute and sweet!!! You are so creative, hope you have a fun trip :-).

Karen G. said...

Oh my! Your mittens are way too cute! Everyone should love them....

Ranae said...

What a fun way to go green and recycle. They look fabulous!

Deb said...

What a creative idea. I never would have thought of doing something like that. A great way to recycle and you have some wonderful mittens!

Unknown said...

oooooo ahhhhhhh.... very very special! :)

KAREN said...

These mittens-out of old sweaters-sell in the colorado mountains for $50-60 an pair. Good girl--Everyone is going to love them. See you soon---K

woolwoman said...

OMGosh Cari !!!!! Those are so creative and so well done - YGG - I've seen some neat things done out of felted old sweaters - happy to see your completed mittens - they are so neat - Mel

Margaret said...

Cari!!! You are amazing, woman! Wow! I love these mittens you've made for your family! Fantastic! And so clever of you too! Now everyone will be toasty warm. (You know, you could make lots of money making these for sale. I saw something similar in a craft store once for lots of moula!)

Tanya said...

Those are some cute mittens. What a great idea to recycle sweaters into mitten.

Cathy Lloyd said...

Cari Cari! What fabulous mittens! They turned out so cute! What treasures your family have! LOVE THEM! HUGS!

Lainey said...

Wow your mittens are fabulous!

Loraine said...

What fabulous gifts! You must share your secret of turning sweaters into the most adorable mittens ever! Love them. I hope you all have a fabulous trip. I can't wait to see a picture of you in your hats and mittens!

Littlebit said...

Oh my goodness! You are incredibly creative and talented! Beautiful mittens!!!

Nicole said...

Those are so awesome Cari! I love them!!

Alma Allen said...

Holy Cow Cari!!! No wonders you are happy! Those mittens are just the cutest. Everyone in your family is going to want several pairs.
Very creative idea! Love those cute hearts from your previous post too.

Siobhán said...

Soooo cute, Cari! Great job!

Meredith said...

You did come and visit me!!!! I was thinking of bringing in the new shawl to show you, it is beautiful!!!! I love your blog and your mittens, hats, yarn and needlework. See you soon,